The Little-Known Secret to Keeping Horses Warm in Winter – Revealed!

Johnny Howard

When the winter months roll around, it’s essential to ensure that your horses stay warm and comfortable. As a responsible horse owner, you know that keeping your equine companions cozy during this time is crucial for their health and well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we will unveil the little-known secret to keeping horses warm in winter, providing you with valuable insights and practical tips to ensure your horses’ comfort even in the coldest of temperatures.

Understanding Equine Thermoregulation

Before diving into the secret, it is important to understand how horses naturally regulate their body temperature. Horses have a unique ability to adapt to various weather conditions, including cold temperatures. Their thick winter coat, combined with their ability to fluff it up, helps trap air close to their skin, providing insulation against the cold. Additionally, horses generate heat through their digestion process, which aids in keeping them warm.

The Secret to Keeping Horses Warm: Proper Shelter

One of the most crucial factors in keeping horses warm during winter is providing them with a suitable shelter. A well-designed and insulated shelter can make a significant difference in their comfort levels. Here are some key considerations for creating the ideal shelter:

1. Adequate Size and Ventilation

Ensure that the shelter is spacious enough to accommodate all your horses comfortably. It should allow them to move around freely without feeling cramped. Additionally, proper ventilation is essential to prevent moisture buildup, as excessive humidity can lead to health issues. Install windows or vents that can be opened and closed as needed to regulate airflow.

2. Insulation and Draft Control

Insulating the shelter will help retain heat and provide a cozy environment for your horses. Consider using materials like straw, blankets, or specialized insulation products to prevent drafts and keep the warmth inside. Regularly check for any gaps or cracks that may allow cold air to seep in and repair them promptly.

3. Bedding

Choosing the right bedding material is crucial for maintaining warmth and comfort. Straw, shavings, or rubber mats are popular options that provide insulation and cushioning against the cold ground. Regularly clean and replace the bedding to ensure hygiene and prevent moisture buildup.

Feeding Strategies for Winter

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in helping horses generate internal heat and maintain their body temperature during winter. Consider the following feeding strategies to keep your horses warm:

1. Provide High-Quality Forage

Forage, such as hay or grass, should form the foundation of your horse’s diet during winter. This high-fiber food not only provides essential nutrients but also generates heat during the digestion process, helping to keep your horses warm from the inside out.

2. Increase Caloric Intake

In colder temperatures, horses burn more calories to maintain their body heat. Adjust their feed accordingly by providing additional calories through concentrates or grain. Consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist to determine the appropriate amount and type of feed to meet your horse’s specific needs.

3. Offer Warm Water

Ensure that your horses have access to clean, warm water at all times. Cold water can be unappealing and discourage adequate hydration. Use heated buckets or water heaters to prevent freezing and encourage regular drinking.

Blanketing Considerations

Blanketing horses during winter is a common practice, but it requires careful consideration. While blankets can provide added warmth, they should not be solely relied upon. Here are some key points to keep in mind when deciding whether to blanket your horses:

1. Assess Body Condition

Evaluate your horse’s body condition and coat thickness before deciding to blanket. Horses with a healthy weight and a thick winter coat may not require additional blankets unless exposed to extreme weather conditions. Blanketing excessively can interfere with their natural ability to regulate body temperature.

2. Adjust Blankets as Needed

If you choose to blanket, ensure that the blankets fit properly and are adjusted accordingly as the weather changes. Check for any signs of discomfort, such as rub marks or excessive sweating, and make necessary adjustments or remove the blankets if necessary.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

During winter, horses may spend more time in their shelter or pasture, resulting in reduced exercise and mental stimulation. However, it is important to encourage regular movement and mental engagement to promote overall well-being. Consider the following:

1. Regular Turnout

Allowing horses access to a turnout area, even during winter, is beneficial for their physical and mental health. Ensure the turnout area is safe, free from ice, and offers adequate shelter from harsh elements.

2. Enrichment Activities

Introduce enrichment activities to keep your horses mentally stimulated. Use treat balls, hanging toys, or puzzle feeders to provide entertainment and prevent boredom during extended periods indoors.


By implementing the little-known secret of providing proper shelter, nutrition, and care, you can ensure that your horses stay warm and comfortable throughout the winter months. Remember to create a well-insulated shelter, adjust feeding strategies to meet their increased caloric needs, and consider blanketing only when necessary. Regular exercise and mental stimulation are also key factors in maintaining their overall well-being. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to keep your horses cozy and content during even the coldest winter days.